9-1 Paper 3: Weimar / Nazi Germany


You will find EVERY lesson of this course (in lesson order) below

Useful Websites / Links

TV Documentary/Drama

3. Treaty of Versailles and its impact

Early political challenges 1919-23

2a. Setting up of new Weimar Government

2b. Democracy Vs.Dictatorship

4. Spartacist Uprising & Kapp Putsch

5. 1923: A bad year - Invasion of the Ruhr & Hyperinflation

Weimar's Golden Age and Nazi reorganisation:

6. Early Nazi Party 1919-1920

25 Point Programme

7. Munich Putsch 8/9th November 1923

Putsch Story, Trial and Hitler's speech in a bit more detail.

Munich Putsch sources and interpretations

Nazi Party's Lean Years 1924-28 & Party reorganisation

Wall Street Crash & Great Depression

Rise of the Nazi Party by 1932

Hitler becomes Chancellor - January 30th 1933

Hitler's Germany 1933-39

Reichstag Fire & Enabling Act

Night of the Long Knives & Death of Hindenburg

TERROR: Police State - SS, SD, Concentration Camps & Law Courts

Control of the Church

PROPAGANDA: Controlling Germany

Women: Policies towards women in Nazi Germany

Hitler Youth Groups - Boys and Girls

Nazi Education

Youth & Church Opposition in Nazi Germany

Nazi Economy - Reducing unemployment & improving lives

Nazi Persecutions of Minorities & Jews


BBC BItesize: Germany revision

BBC BItesize: Germany revision Part 2

BBC Bitesize (Archive)

History On The Net


John D. Clare's Site

Extra detail and sources for The Church topic

Lesson 1: PPT Context of WWI on Germany


GERMANY TOPIC MAP (Knowledge Checklist)


Weimar Culture & Society (Women, wages & living conditions)

Stresemann years - Solving Weimar's problems?

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