9-1 Paper 1A: WWI Trenches


Using Sources to find information:

Lesson 1: Introduction to Trenches Course

Arthur's Story: Using sources intro

Source Log Table

Useful Websites / Links

WWI: The Medical Front:

BBC: WWI Injuries & Treatment

BBC: WWI Medicine

Imperial War Museum: Western Front

Imperial War Museum: WWI



Q2a: Example answer task


Aseptic Surgery, X-Rays, Blood transfusion / storage

Historical context: Medicine in the early 20th Century:


Historical context: British sector of the Western Front:

Trenches: Structure & Key Battles

Transport & problems


Conditions requiring medical treatment:

Trench Foot, Trench Fever, Shellshock, Head injuries & Gas attacks


RAMC & FANY: Chain of Evacuation


Significance of the Western Front for experiments in Surgery & Medicine

Thomas Splint / Mobile X-Ray / Blood transfusion & storage / Head injuries & Plastic Surgery


You will find EVERY lesson of this course (in order) below:

TRENCHES TOPIC MAP (Knowledge Checklist)

Q2a - NOPCAT analysis sheet

Q2b - Follow up

Blank answer sheet

Q1 - 2 Features Blank answer sheet

Blank chain of evacuation flow chart

Centenary Battlefield Enquiries

Medical Care Enquiries

How to keep clean in Trenches IWM

Key people in WWI Medicine

WWI Podcasts

ADS: Essex Farm

Great War.co.uk

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Key Battles Overview
